Monday, July 27, 2009

Summer is cruising by

Well it's almost that time of year that I both love and hate...Back to School! Today we'll head to Ava's school to get the forms to reregister her. I like this time because you get reaquainted with everyone you didn't see over the summer. This school year will be different for me as Kennedy will be in pre-school. A different school with different PTA meetings and different field trip. Even different drop and pick up times. I'm looking forward to some new changes for us all this year but more on that later. Meanwhile...
Kennedy is offically 4. I'm eventually going to be posting her pictures once I get Shane to upload them. He did some stuff to his computer and now I have to wait. I'll be bugging him tonight. She is pretty happy being 4 and heading to school. I'm not crying about it yet, I think I'll be ok. We'll see.
Ava is so excited to begin 3rd grade. She is looking forward to going back to school. I hope this continues all her This summer has been a big change for me with her as far as her being older. I see everday how she is not a little girl anymore and moving alone to being a preteen. Shane came out carring her in his arms one morning and I flashed back to him carrying her on a pillow. That was a tear jerker:( She has been the biggest of help this summer, especially with Nova. I couldn't ask for a better daughter.
Nova is trucking way to being 2. She has the tantrums down pat. She is cutting her canines now and that has been pretty hard on all of us but it looks likes she is almost done. She is speaking so much and putting her words to good use like "Eat" and "No eat" and "Puppy" and "No" and again "NO!".lol She likes to say Dee Dee but for whatever reason will not say "Ava" anymore. She is our little side show. I'm missing having a baby baby but realize that this is a new era in our lives and am looking foward to the freedom that comes from having kids that are older. Still sometimes I come across a little onesie for babys sock and I just wish for a sec that I had it todo again. Then they all cry for me to come here because something was spilled or someone's feelings got hurt (all the freaking time!) and I think "So the end!"
Shane and I are doing well too! Work for him and home for me. I'm looking forward to doing some new things this fall... not saying what for sure yet but will post once I know what is in store. For now I'm just going to enjoy these last few summer weeks and with luck will get in a few more walks and zoo trips with the girls! And as Ava would say "That's all for now"!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I finally found it!

Now that Ava is an avid reader I have begun to suggest books for her to read that I read as a child. She has read the small version of little women, has read several chapters from Anne of Green Gables, and finished a Baby Sitter's Club book. Of course we have different taste so it's not like she jumps at every book I suggest but she likes for me to tell her about what I read and I like passing on the information. Recently I was thinking about a book I got when I was about 10. My grandparents used to volunteer at a thrift store in Durango and sometimes we got to go there at the end of a shift and pick out a treasure. I fondly remember that store and have made a note to go there again the next time I go to Durango. This particular time I remember going to the store and finding this little square paperback book. I think it cost $.10 and was happy to have something to read. At this point I had read all the kids books at their house and wasn't quite ready to read the older books which I did eventually read. Thankfully they were also avid readers who had a varied taste of literature. Anyway the book I got to read was about a minister and his wife who adopt several children of different races and ages. Eventually they adopt 12 and have a happy little family. I remembered loving the book and rememberes specific parts of it but I could not place the name for the life of me. However since I did remember a few specific parts I turned to the internet with a positive hope that I would be able to find the book. However I was wrong and had no luck at all! Sadden I gave up the search and forgot about the book. Then my interest was renewed when Shane told me about a few sites that would be abel to help me. He even did the search for me and once again I was certain I would find it. Once again I was disappointed. I gave up and figured I would move on to Lois Duncan and Judy Blume.
Then about a week ago I was on e-bay trying to find a book that I had read a long time ago called With Love from Karen. As I was trying to find this book used (yeah used but still costing $65.00 to $105.00) and I stumbled upon this book called The Family Nobody Wanted by Helen Doss. The cover did look familiar but something made me click on the book. When the summary came up I quickly realized this was the book I had been searching for! Better yet it had been, at one time, made into a television series and had a play based on it. Still better was the fact that it is now in reprint!!! What a find or a stumble if you will. I was able to read the first few chapters online and am so thrilled that I will be able to order it. It cracks me up how I found it but I am so glad that I did!!!