Hard to imagine that at this time last year having a son was never a true dream for Shane or I. We had three beautiful girls and had no plans for another baby, much less a son. Then on Nov. 5, 2009 our world changed as the stick showed the line that meant we were indeed going to have another baby. It goes to show you that you can NEVER say never. Riot is 2 1/2 months old and already has a special fondness for daddy. Shane will hold Riot and talk to him and Riot coos and oohs and speak to Shane like he is singing a song. He only does this for Shane. I might he an ohh or a ahh here and there but for Shane he sings them. Am I jealous? Yes but then again eventually he starts to cry for me and all is right. As far as having 4 girls vs 2 boys while the girls might have the majority so far the boys seem to be in control as Shane is totally their favorite and Riot has his Mommy wrapped around his fingers. Who knew having a son would be so wonderful?