Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Being Thankful
Where did the time go this year? I swear it was only yesterday that I was unpacking the tree and wrapping presents. Riot was a little baby, not even crawling, with his sisters adoring him. We've have been living in the new place already 6 months. Really? Wow! Riot has developed his personality and is quite the little man. Nova has taken to being his best friend and many time his worst nightmare. Ava and Kennedy are in their second year at Inez, and we've had a good year with some really positive outcomes. Of course nothing is perfect in elementary school but it if was then they wouldn't get getting prepared for life, right? The beginning of the year was really a tough one for us, we had the two youngest in the hospital, for what was a week but felt like years, and so far we've managed to prevent another stay. I can only hope and do my best to prevent it. Moving has been a good experience for us, the kids can play outside with many other kids, something they have not really had a chance to do, and this is a great thing for them. (Not for the adults so much:) I think I'm the only one who loves moving, and this year as really been about us planning our next move, but more to come later on that topic. While things keep changing, growing, and evolving some remain constant; our kids are amazing, bright, loving, and feisty. They are our motivation and our future. They drive us crazy and keep us happy. Not one to get sappy but I really do feel like we hit the lottery with our kiddos. I'm sure every mom or dad feels that way about their kids and kuddos to them. Another constant is Shane and I. We're half way to celebrating 14 years of wedded bliss. (I laugh as I write bliss) Every year bring new memories and joy, new irritants and frustrations. I love knowing the we remain committed to each other due to love and friendship not due to our wedding certificate. I still consider Shane my best friend (Shalini still my bestie too:) and hope I always will.
Thanksgiving is around the corner and while I spend the next few weeks getting stuff planned, decorating with the kids, making our new batch of crazy, fun filled, overly iced christmas cookies I remember memories of my childhood and the wonderful times I had with my family. While I always melancholy for my beloved ones who have passed I'm very thankful for being close to my family and for being able to share these precious times with them. With the future always changing one never knows what the next year brings, so I choose to be thankful for the time now, being in the present now. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and I hope you all a wonderful time with your family too!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
I blame Shane and Texas!
I have come to realize that this bug did not arrive at our doorstep by accident but by a curse. It's actually a curse on Shane really and I have spent a lot of time thinking about it to come to this conclusion. Shane tells this story of going to his Aunt's garden once and while taking to her he picked up a piece of broccoli and took a bite of it. Then looking down at the broccoli he saw hundreds of baby spiders swarm the veggie and his hand. Since that day he has not been a fan of spiders and therefore I believe they keep visiting us, to torture him. In CA we were overwhelmed with them. The first night we arrived at our apt. we had to retrieve our key from a light by our door (My brother moved our furniture and left it there for us while he partied in San Fran.) Shane reached for the key and felt a cobweb and immediately declared he was not going to get the key. It took a lot of convincing to get him to reach the key, (I was pregnant and short, still short) The parks were full of spiders, our balcony too. Stupid spiders everywhere. Eventually we moved back to NM where we thought we might get a little less spider mania but instead we moved to an apt. that was breeding ground for Black Widows. At this point I was pissed but decided that everyone gets spiders so what can you do? Eventually we moved again and our new landlords swore they never had black widows (liars) so I was like OK! Yeah I guess I should have asked if they had big freaking wolf spiders because guess what showed up THE FIRST FREAKING NIGHT? A ginormous pregnant wolf spider. I will not show a picture of this spider because it's too creepy to see still but you should know that a pregnant wold spider carries her spawn on her back, hundred of them and they are all hungry. Shane came in to the house where I was sure a Tranchula was invading our home and he froze. Then he said quickly for me to get a glass which I did. He told me that once he trapped the spider she was going to let loose her evil spawn and I didn't believe him. NEVER AGAIN!!! No words to describe the event that happened. Still too shook up from that one. Wolf Spider=evil!!! This last home we moved to recently just got visited by this pictured arachnid which is a Vinegaroon. He looks more evil than he actually is but is still not the kind of thing you want to open your door to find. It's an odd feeling knowing that you have been visited by something NO ONE ELSE seems to have seen in person. Like I said I think Shane has been singled out by the kingdom of the arachnids. I'm hoping this was the end, like the final messenger. The most awful looking one yet. I hope so because I don't know if you can legally divorce someone over a curse but it might be the only way.
PS I read the these Vinegaroons are very common in TX. The new neighbors are from TX, they showed up the eve before this guys appeared. Coincidence?
Friday, September 2, 2011
How to get a gallon of milk for a dollar!

For those who are looking for a good deal you CANNOT beat a gallon of milk for a dollar. Not in this economy. You might been lucky and get the "Welcome to the neighborhood!" coupon from Albertsons, but that would only get you a gallon for $1.69 (at least that is what I got and used last week). You can try to catch Smith on a luck week and get the 3/$6.00 sale but that hasn't happened for a while. (I know because I keep looking for it.) I HATE paying more than $2.00 for a gallon, it infuriates me. Therefore I headed for CVS for milk today. I only had so much cash on me, since I am once again awaiting a new debit card in the mail. (Ava lost it this time.) I figured I would go back tomorrow for another gallon but to my surprise I don't need to and I'll now tell you the way to get the $1.00 milk. First you need to be born in September. Well at least for this weeks sale anyway. What am I talking about? I'm talking about a coupon that was printed out, for ME for my birthday. That's right a $2.00 coupon just for being born in the best month of the year! SEPTEMBER!!!! How about that? Thank you CVS!!! So then I snapped that I could get the second gallon, pay nothing and not have to come back (Although I promise to come back another day!) Hence getting 2 gallons for $2.00 or $1.00 a gallon as I like to think of it. Pretty nice and who doesn't love getting an early birthday present? I do!!!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Cooling off downtown
A few weekends ago Shane took Ava and Kennedy on an adventure on the city bus. Nova, Riot, and I chose to stay home:) I really hate the bus, I have had so many bad experiences on them that I prefer walking, driving my own car, or skipping. Really the bus holds only disgust for me. So today after a nice lunch at Kelly's Brewery (free kids weekends are just the best) Shane suggested we leave the car parked and take the bus downtown to walk around. Not wanting to be a party popper I agree but secretly wished I could drive and park. Anyway the bus was ok, not great, but ok. We got off the stop near the Galleria and began our journey. This vent the kids are pictured in held so much fun for the kiddos. They couldn't wait to show it to me. Riot loved it too:) It was nice to catch the breeze from it, it was pretty humid today. We walked in the rain a little but it was a pleasant rain. After the vent we headed to the downtown library to see what books they had for sale. A long time has passed since we were last in that location and I was pleasantly surprised at the changes:) We only had about 20 mins for shopping but we filled a brown bag full and came way happy. Only then did I get the point that Shane had been making...we had to carry it all back. Luckily for us Riot was happy on Shane shoulders and Nova got a thrill sitting on the bag of books in his umbrella stroller. The bus ride back held some interesting character and I was relieved to get off at the stop for our car. Once home the rain was coming slowly so I took advantage of it and we cleaned up the yard. I'm getting excited for the end of summer, and beginning of fall. A few leaves have fallen of the tree and for once I think were going to have beautiful fall leaves in our yard. Just remind me of this when it comes time to rake up those bad boys:)
Summer vacation is coming to and end. Kids are really excited. So am I, people, so am I:)
Friday, May 20, 2011
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Up to my Owl Balls

A little recycling project that I have got going on. These are my little Owl Balls that I am making out of felt and christmas tree ornanments that were going to get thrown. I'm having a lot of fun with them and have a few more planned. They are odd and weird and I love them. The first one was for Riot but I'll be making him a new one. The pink is a baby gremlin Owl for Kennedy but she wants another one. My green lady is my Scarlett Owl with a Denver Bronco Owl just for fun. More to come soon!
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