Friday, December 5, 2008

What an unbelievable day!

I have to make this post short seeing as how I destroyed my house earlier today and I would like to have it look semi-decent before I get Shane. First Nova's second booster shot was today. I signed Kennedy in and didn't blink an eye when they told me they didn't write her name down but that they would squeeze Kennedy in anyway. The girls played until Kennedy's name was called. I went to pick up Nova when I realized that Kennedy wasn't the one getting the shot Nova Talk about being embarrassed. Thankfully they were great about it and she got the shot, did great, and we were on our way. I came home, fed the girls and put Nova down to sleep. Then I finished my essay, sent it to Shane for revisions and got my app. together to take in. Got Nova up and ready to go and went to leave when I realized I lost my keys! That's when the panic hit. To make a long story short I tore the house apart, called the school which did me no good, and finally found them in her high chair. I was 8 minutes late getting Ava who had somehow missed the sec. call her name. She went to the office to call me, I wasn't home I was on my way, and began to cry. In all of our discussion on what to do if I am late she never realized she was suppose to STAY IN the office. So then the guilt set in bad and the decision to get Ava a prepaid cell which she has to keep turned off and a secret was decided. (No cell on campus but screw that!) After I picked up my essays (3) from Shane (he printed them for me) I stopped to get the girls a drink and then to a park where I went over the app one last time. Finally I went to CNM to turn it in and found out I was in the wrong place! Got to the right place, and dropped it off. I was a little disappointed that bells and whistles did go off for me but oh well! I had little hope of being admitted this session, my lack of experience with children in a professional setting has me worried but I'll apply again if I don't' get admitted. Oh yeah during all this hassle I hear that Los Alamitos was in lock down! I don't know the full story so I'm not going to pass on wrong info but I am thankful that my nieces and nephews were taken out of school. I pray no one was hurt. Now I'm off to continue the cleaning!

This has been a day!

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