Thursday, April 2, 2009

My line!

I FINALLY got the bedroom closets completely switched! YAY!!!  I had the bottom part done when we changed the rooms around last year (including all the clothes, shoes, other stuff we have accumulated along the way) but never got the top shelves done.  Today I got them switched around and found things I had forgotten about.  One forgotten item was the Pearl Jam posters Shane had gotten a few years ago.  I have no idea where we had put them up before, I think he had them in his office at Seclarity?  I told him of my discovery when I called him to determine when he would be home.  He was pretty happy to hear about the posters.  Then we had the following conversation that I think you'll enjoy;

"So do you want to take them to your office or put should I put them into storage" I asked
"We'll put them in the bedroom" he said
"What" I asked
"In the bedroom" he repeated
"Your kidding!" "Right?" I hoped
"No in the bedroom!" he stated
"Umm no! That's tacky!" I insisted
"Just put them in your office" I said
"I don't have an office, it's a cubicle!" he cried
"Well put them on the walls.  We're not teenage boys!" I firmly said
"Well talk about it at home" he ended the conversation

No way am I going to put them in our bedroom.  I finally have the room somewhat decorated for a couple.  I'll admit it's more girly than not but then again he picked out most of the living room furniture.  Also let me not forget that I had a pretty frilly shower curtain that I gave up for the plain beige one, (in a moment of compromise where I almost got stuck with a camouflage curtain).  So I feel like I have been pretty fair!  But everyone has a line and this is where I draw it.  No Pearl Jam in the bedroom!


Misty said...

Good line to draw!

Belva Jean said...

You know when you find posters that have been missing, but no one remembers them - the trash is a great place to decorate. You are so right - you are not teenage boys :)