I thought I would start a new tradition on my blog by doing a 12 days to Thanksgiving countdown of the things in my life I am grateful for. This first choice is a great one because I can truly say it as of today that for #12 I can great full for our bed and to be lucky enough to have a bed and home to rest our heads. (More and more people are not able to say that this year and I am truly truly thankful to be able to)
So I still had planned to do this post today but originally when I was planning my posts (I do plan many of them out you know) it was going to be a little more funny and sad as I talked about how I am grateful for the bed (again truly am) but not so much the mattress. The mattress we had (will explain) was given to us in CA by the sweetest lady I had met who had to upgrade to a new mattress. We had a full mattress and as we just had Kennedy we needed to upgrade to a new larger size. We had talked of getting a king size but hadn't when the opportunity to take her old mattress was given to us and I seized it. It wasn't the greatest mattress but it was big and that was enough for us then. Now 5 years down the road and a few moves later we were dying with it. It has lost any charm it once held for us. The girls, however, loved it. Many times they had fallen asleep on it and in the morning told us that they wished they could have it. Why I do not know but it's true. Anyway we talked again of getting a new one but our resources lacking we had to wait until we could afford a new king size one. Then today it hit me that we should switch the girls twin mattress which are very comfortable with our crappy to us but not to them one. This works because we recently redid the sleeping arrangments in our home. The girls who have shared a bedroom since birth have always slept in the same room. When we moved to a larger home Ava was given her own room to share until Riot was older. This was good in theory but not did not work at night. She always got in bed with the girls. Shane decided they needed their beds (twins) to be pushed together to keep them all together. That made a king size bed and they have been sleeping happy since. We then have turned Ava bedroom now into the play room leaving her twin in there as a couch until we find something more suitable. So now they have a king size mattress and we do to (or two twins pushed together which also work. I have to say it's been a long time since I've looked forward to going to sleep:) We'll still eventually get a better bed since one day they'll want to have their own individual beds but for now, for tonight, I'm can truly say "I love my bed!" Now if I can get Shane to stop snoring in it. hmmm!!!
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