So today started off not too good. Nova woke way to early for me. I haven't had a Sat. in a while where we could sleep in and relax and I was really looking forward to at least getting to sleep until 8:30 but first Kennedy woke about 6:45 and got in our bed. Then just as I had fallen back asleep Nova began to fuss and next thing I know I am up and at it with her. I brought her to the living room, got some fresh milk and turned the tv. I decided to just lay on the couch and try to get her to fall back asleep and as we watched the History of New York (pretty interesting program) she was almost there when Kennedy came to the living room with the cries for Dora. I pretty much knew it was over with then and gave up. I got up, put on the coffee and started to clean. Eventually I went to see Shane and discovered he was in one pissy mood:( That's pretty much when the morning went to pot. After I threw my mind into sweeping and mopping and ignoring his mood I decided that I would make the most of the morning and keep up with the housework. Eventually Shane left to get his lab work done, (dealing with the HBP stuff) and he came home a happier man. After a delicious brunch I took my shower and put Nova down for her nap. Then I spent 2 hours taking one myself!!! (I miss naps) We spent the evening taking the kids the park and then to ITZ. If you have ever been there on a Sat. right at dinner time then you turned out to be as crazy as we were. First several parties had reserved the best rooms and then there were no forks to be had. Hello! Have you ever tried to eat pasta alfredo with your fingers? Finally I bugged a helper until we got several forks and we tried to enjoy our dinner. Once we headed to the games it was a little better. Shane won Nova some weird doll from Pirates of the Caribbean and she was happy to chew on it for a while. The girls played some games and we tried to get on the deal or no deal game but people were not giving up on winning. Last time we scored the big prize so we really wanted to to play again but it wasn't in the cards for us. We then thought we were down to only a few points and decided to go back to the tv area and drink coffee and let the girls have their ice cream. We went to the toons section and relaxed and watched a toon or two. By then I was pretty tired but we decided to finish our points when Shane realized I had a card with 43 points on it so we played for another 40 or so minutes. Kennedy and Ava did the train which Ava hated but Kennedy loved. We never got to do deal or no deal but Shane did win all the girls ugly stuffed animals. Then it was home were the little ones crashed out and I watched Juno. Now I am looking forward to bed but thought I'd post this little message. Now I am reading what I wrote and thinking that no one cares about all this but maybe next year I'll read this and wonder why I wrote it. I think when you are tired and you post stuff you always regret it later, I do.
So that was today and I just heard Nova cry. Crap! Hey I just had to share this real quick. I just went to spell check this and it gave me crap for spelling pissy wrong and Spell Check wanted to supplement a word for me instead of pissy. Want to make a guess?
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