It's never to early to listen to holiday music and it's never to early to give thanks.
I am thankful for Shane. It might sound sappy and cliche but he completes me. He challenges me when I need to be challenged and supports me when I am in need. I am thankful to be married to my best friend.
I am thankful for my girls. They enhance my life and give it meaning. They are the reason I am get up in the morning (sometimes even in the early early morning), and they are the ones I pray for at night. I am thankful for the love they give to Shane and I and to each other.
I am thankful for my parents. A child can never understand the unconditonal love a parent has until they have a child of their own. I know the sacrifices my parents have made for my sibling and I and I am grateful to them and for their love.
I am thankful for my siblings. We fight as only brothers and sisters can but there is no doubt the love we have for one another. I am blessed to have them as siblings.
I am thankful for my nieces and nephews. They are all unique and terrific. I am thrilled to be their favorite Aunt.
I am thankful for my extended family on all sides. They have shaped me in ways that I cannot explain. I am truly thankful to have their love and am thrilled that my children will carry on our family.
I am thankful for my friends. Most of them are awesome and the ones who aren't I stopped speaking too!
I am thankful for technology. Who knew the internet would bring me closer to family and friends? My Family, Facebook, Blogger have been the "best friend" a SAHM could as for.
(A side note I am thankful to Steve Jobs for inventing the IPod. Without it and
the nifty way to have the West Wing at my disposal I would have made it through
late night feedings.)
I am thankful to my country. Freedom of speech! Freedom of Religion Obama! Need I say more.
Finally but most important
I am thankful to God for all above things would not be possible. I am thankful for his pressence in my life and for his blessings. I am thankful that I am able to pray and speak with him. I thank him for my life and all that it entails.
There are so many more things I am thankful for but eventually I would run out of post room and some are silly like packets of oatmeal that make school day breakfast easier, or for slippers which rock when you want to wear shoes but also want to have bare feet at time. See there are too many things to add that I better stop now.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I hope you are well and happy and if you or your family is traveling I hope they stay safe.
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