This morning Ava out of the blue began to speak about the time capsule she made in kidergarten. It's up in her closet to be opened when she graduates from highschool. As she was talking about what she remembers putting in it, a BellaSara card, I had a flash forward to her night of HS graduation. I pictured her opening it with her family and friends and laughing at what was in it, only I was crying. I choked up in the car thinking about it because I know that I am going to turn around and that day will be here. Somehow this baby inside me is 8 and in second grade learning math and the ways of catty little girls. It's hard being a mom sometimes not because of the demands of these kids but because of the demands of the heart. Sigh now I'm crying again:(
I think we all feel the way you do. We are stressing with kids now but one day they'll be all grown up and off on their own adventures. It is so sad:(
I have thoughts like this daily. Mostly at night when I'm trying to sleep and I wonder, Did I hug them enough? Did I listen enough? Did I enjoy the small moments enough? And I vow to do better the next day. They grow up so fast.
It's hard when you are in the day to day moments to stop and realize that soon you'll be wishing you had a ton of their clothes to wash or that you wish they couldn't walk so you could hold them a little more. Meanwhile they are wishing they could be more independent and dreaming about what their lives will be like. When they finally make the handbook on parenting they need to include the chapter which tells you how to deal with them growing up:(
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