I'm on the wagon and looking forward to this new project. I'm somewhat intimidated because photography is not my passion or hobby, therefore my pictures are never great. Still it's a neat way to remember the small things in life that might not seem important now but probably will later. So for the first photo I thought I would capture something that means a lot to me even if it might not look like a big deal. This is my desk. My own personal space that belongs to only me! Maybe it's selfish I don't know but when you live in a small space and have to share every inch of it with 4 other people you learn to appreciate anything that is your and yours alone. Shane has always had his own desk, and at times I have had mine but it's never been as important to me as it is now. Finally we have the space for me to keep up my sewing machine and supplies which have enabled me to sew all the little projects I have wanted to do but didn't when I had to unload the machine and thread it and all the hassle of it. Now I keep it threaded and plugged in and all I have to do it turn it one and have at it. I sewed the cover on the machine, the quilt on the chair, and the purse hanging on it. The sewing cabinet used to be a green spice rack with an A lined roof which I took off and painted. I replaced the wire door screen with the material as well. I would never have done many of these projects without having my space. Therefore it deserves the honor of the first photo!
1 comment:
Great post! Meaningful, I could feel your emotion. I hear you on needing your own space sometimes.(I'm so jealous of your sewing ability, too.)
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