Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Cute Kid Things
While I sat in the reception area of my doctor's office, a woman
rolled an elderly man in a wheelchair into the room. As she went to
the receptionist's desk, the man sat there, alone and silent. Just as
I was thinking I should make small talk with him, a little boy slipped
off his mother's lap and walked over to the wheelchair. Placing his
hand on the man's, he said, 'I know how you feel. My mom makes me ride
in the stroller too.'.
As I was nursing my baby, my cousin's six-year-old daughter, Krissy,
came into the room. Never having seen anyone breast feed before, she
was intrigued and full of all kinds of questions about what I was
doing. After mulling over my answers, she remarked, 'My mom has some
of those, but I don't think she knows how to use them.'
Out bicycling one day with my eight-year-old granddaughter, Carolyn,
I got a little wistful. 'In ten years,' I said, 'you'll want to be
with your friends and you won't go walking, biking, and swimming with
me like you do now.'
Carolyn shrugged. 'In ten years you'll be too old to do all those
things anyway.'
Dinosaurs are fascinating. My three-year-old is obsessed with them.
Recently we were riding on a bus, and he asked another passenger for her
'My name is Deena,' she said. 'Can you say Deena?'
'Deena,' said my son. 'Can you say pachycephalosaurus?'
Working as a pediatric nurse, I had the difficult assignment of giving
immunization shots to children. One day I entered the examining room
to give four-year-old Lizzie her needle. 'No, no, no!' she screamed.
'Lizzie,' scolded her mother, 'that's not polite behavior.'
With that, the girl yelled even louder, 'No, thank you! No, thank you!
Jake is 5 and learning to read.
He points at a picture in a zoo book and says,
'Look Mama! It's a frickin' Elephant!'
Deep breath ... 'What did you call it?'
'It's a frickin' Elephant, Mama! It says so on the picture!'
And so it does ...
'A f r i c a n Elephant'
Hooked on phonics!!! Ain't it wonderful?
One afternoon while I was visiting my library, I noticed a group of
preschoolers gathered for story time. The book they were reading was
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly. After the librarian
finished the first page, she asked the children, 'Do you think she'll
'Nope,' a little girl in the back said. 'I saw this last night on Fear
My sister had been ill, so I called to see how she was doing. My
ten-year-old niece answered the phone. 'Hello,' she whispered. 'Hi,
honey. How's your mother?' I asked..
'She's sleeping,' she answered, again in a whisper.
'Did she go to the doctor?' I asked.
'Yes. She got some medicine,' my niece said softly.
'Well, don't wake her up. Just tell her I called. What are you doing,
by the way?'
Again in a soft whisper, she answered, 'Practicing my trumpet.'
On the way back from a Cub Scout meeting, my grandson asked my son the
question. 'Dad, I know that babies come from mommies' tummies, but how
do they get there in the first place?' he asked innocently.
After my son hemmed and hawed awhile, my grandson finally spoke up in
disgust.'You don't have to make something up, Dad. It's OK if you
don't know the answer.'
Even though the toddler was having a furious tantrum, his mom was
unfazed. 'You may as well give up on the crying,' I heard her say as
she led him to the store exit. 'You're stuck with me for 18 years.'
Paul Newman founded the Hole in the Wall Gang Camp for children
stricken with cancer, AIDS and blood diseases. One afternoon he and
his wife, Joanne Woodward, stopped by to have lunch with the kids. A
counselor at a nearby table, suspecting the young patients wouldn't
know that Newman was a famous movie star, explained, 'That's the man
who made this camp possible. Maybe you've seen his picture on his
salad dressing bottle?' Blank stares. 'Well, you've probably seen his
face on his lemonade carton.'
An eight-year-old girl perked up. 'How long was he missing?'
Like all growing boys, my teenage grandson, Jermon, was constantly
hungry. I went to my refrigerator to find something he might like to
eat. After poking around a bit and moving the milk and juice cartons,
I spotted a bowl of leftover chili. 'Hey, Jermon,' I called out
excitedly. He came running into the kitchen. 'Look! I found some
chili.' Struggling to be polite, he said, 'If you're that surprised,
I'm not really sure I want it.'
My last name is a mouthful, so when my three-year-old niece learned to
spell it, I was thrilled, until my cousin burst my bubble.
'You can spell Sczygelski any way you like,' he pointed out. 'Who's
going to know if it's wrong?'
For the first time, my four-year-old daughter Kelsey was coming to my
office to have me, a dental hygienist, clean her teeth. She was
accompanied by her grandmother. When they came in, I greeted them
warmly, seated Kelsey and, as usual, put on my gloves, goggles and
mask. About ten minutes into the procedure, she got scared and cried,
'I want my mommy!'
I quickly pulled off my mask and said, 'I am your mommy.'
Without hesitating, my daughter yelled back, 'Then I want my granny!'
as copied off an e-mail
Sunday, December 28, 2008
For my 100th post
This is the 100th post for this blog site and I wanted to post something special. Ava shot this video tonight as we tried to capture Nova laughing. Nova is getting so big and becoming a little girl and less a baby. She sat in a "big girl" chair tonight at Kennedy's Diego Table and ate with the girls. It won't be long now before she sleeps in bed with them. I am going to miss my baby being just that A baby. This post is dedicated to my girls growing up.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Home after Christmas
Friday, December 19, 2008
And I think three is hard,,20248075,00.html?xid=rss-topheadlines
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Santa, Kennedy, and Wonder Women

Yesterday I had some kind of stomach bug and had to miss Ava's holiday party in her classroom. Ava understood how sick I was but when the party started she cried to her teacher who thankfully made her feel a little better. When I picked her up from school she told what had happened and I began to feel really bad. Kennedy then told Ava I was a bad mom. That made Ava more upset and she asked Kennedy to stop which gave Kennedy encouragement to contiunue. She said it over and over while Ava cried more. Kennedy really nailed it when she said that she hated Momma. I still don't know where she has gotten that from but she likes to say it when she gets into trouble. So last night I was telling Shane about it, (I wasn't mad I know she has no idea what she said but Ava was still upset) so Shane took Kennedy to his lap to talk about it. He began with telling her that she is never to say she hates anyone. Her response is she does hate, (again she said it with a smile as she knew she was being naughty.) He tried again but she kept it up. So then he asked her "Where did you learn to say I hate" and she replied "From Santa"!lol Yesterday she also put on a Wonder Women costume and told me she was awesome.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Adam Walsh
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Pet Society has ruined my life
Help us!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Kennedy was quiet most of today. She loved being at Ava's school and sitting at the table with her sister and her friends. I should have known something was wrong because among the food choices Kennedy refused to eat fruit and a cookie. She did drink the chocolate milk but that was all. I brought home her quesadilla and cookie figuring she would eat at home. They had small bowls of posole which for a school was really good. Once we got home she said "I have to throw up" and did all down the hallway to the bathroom. (This is why I love the "pergo" floors! After cleaning her up I put her in bed, with a bowl, and she fell asleep right away. Later after her nap she told me she felt better and about 45 mins ago she ate some minestrone. I am hoping it is a small bug but I have to say that she seems to be the one who catches everything and it is something that is bothering me. She is on my list to keep an eye one.
Then comes my Nova. When I was pg with her I really thought I might be having a boy. I felt different and carried her differently. Of course she isn't a boy and she loves her purses and the dolls but she also has some tendencies that the others didn't have as much. She likes to roar like a dinosaur! I got her a stuffed orange dino because it reminded me of her. She crawled like one too!lol Before she walked solidly she was climbing. She climbed on her walker, on steps, anywhere she could. Now she has taken to the next level. She has tried to climb into the bath tub, she climbs up the step stool to the sink, she tires to climb unto the couch. Yesterday she used my sewing machine case, pushed it to the book shelf, and climbed on it so she could climb the bookshelf! I thought ok this is it this will be the thing that is going to drive me crazy with worry. Yeah right! I was in another room when I hear "Mom, Mom" "Mom, Mom, Nova on Dollhouse!" I run to the girl's room where I see Mrs. Nova in the closet standing on the TOP PART of Ava's dollhouse. Unbelievable! Then as the day went on she continued to drive me nuts but the worst was when she was on the rug, fell and bite her lip in the same spot she bit it last week. I think if we had Nova first then we might not have been couragous enough for more. I say that and then she gives me one of her love hugs where she pats me on the back and I think "Maybe we should have one more!" Laughs for Shane!
It's nice to be able to blog these thoughts. I always plan to write them down but it's nice to be able to type them, I can type faster than write. Blogging is a great way to keep these memories especially when moms loose their memories because they have to much new information jammed into them due to their kids. Such as
"What's that?"
"A Hat"
"A crazy funky junky hat!"
"Hair's unslightly"
"Try to look like Keira Knightley"
"We've been there, we've done that"
"We see right through your funky hat"
See what my brain has come too!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Quiet Night
Merry Decorating to all!
Friday, December 5, 2008
What an unbelievable day!
This has been a day!
Monday, December 1, 2008
An exhausting day!
The girls wore themselves out today and I was right along there with them. Although we spent Thanksgiving with our huge family we decided that we would have one of our own here and make it simple without a huge fuss. This was also Shane's last day of vacation so it was a nice way to end it. Ava went to school and I let Kennedy sleep in as Shane was here. Once I came back I did a few thing and Nova went to the bedroom to play with Kennedy, who refused to wake up. Nova is walking more and more but she still holds on a lot to wall and whatever will be in her way. She does climb though and when I went to check on her I found her in Kennedy's bed,(Kennedy is tucked down by the Strawberry Shortcake doll), where she had She must have decided to read Kennedy awake because this is what I caught her doing. It was a cute moment. Later after dinner Nova had her second bath of the day, (Spaghetti for lunch), and I brought her to the living room to dress while Shane and our neighbor and Ava cleared the table. Nova got really excited and began to laugh at all of us. It was a great family moment. Later after Vince left we all played Dinosaur with Nova which consists of us all growling like we imagine dinosaurs Nova has the best growl but the quickest teeth so we all have to be careful. Kennedy went to the bedroom where she passed out on the floor without her bath or even he pj's on. Shane began to crash on the couch and Nova was done. I realized this was my best chance to mop without the footprints of Housework never seems done but I am thankful that we have a home to clean and the children who dirty it. I just wish we had the maid to be thankful for too!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Out of the mouth of babes
Mom- "You know how"
Ava- "No Ava not April"
Mom- "I don't know"
Kennedy- "Ava I know I know Ava"
Kennedy- "I know I know Ava"
Ava- "What"
Kennedy- "Ava in French"
Everyone- "Laughing Laughing Laughing"

April and I had the great idea to make and decorate Christmas cookies with the girls and Jakob. These cookies are the first one the kids decorated and let me tell you this was no easy feat! The story is to long to share but if you can understand; ear infection, urgent care, girls in bad moods, a boy without "boy toys" to play with, and two tired moms, I think you will understand our day! When it was all said and done we had a fun time and ended the night with the kids watching Journey to the Center of the Earth and the adults playing It's nice to have family to visit with.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Holiday Prep
Monday, November 24, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Making Bread

Lasagna is the plan for dinner and I wanted to make bread today so I found this recipe on The girls enjoyed watching the bread machine in action. I plan to slice the bread and add garlic butter for dinner. Hope it turns out yummy!
1 cup warm water
1 beaten egg
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tsp dried rosemary, or use 2 tablespoons fresh, crumbled
1 tsp each dried oregano and basil (or 1 tbsp each fresh)
3 c flour
2 tsp bread machine yeast
Place in machine according to machine instructions (or if you make bread by hand, you already know what to do). A few minutes into kneading, check that the dough is the consistency that you want, add any flour or extra water that you need (I usually find I need a little bit of flour). Bake on large loaf, light crust. This herb combination smells heavenly, and goes great with chicken or pasta or on picnics. You can use any combination of herbs you like, and adjust it to complement the meal you are serving if you like.
This is the second loaf I made. Sadly the first one didn't make it and ended up in the trash bin. It had been a long time since I used the bread maker and I inverted my ingredients. I will brag on this loaf because it was delicious. It went well with the leftover lasagna. I plan to make it again soon.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thanksgiving Blessings

It's never to early to listen to holiday music and it's never to early to give thanks.
I am thankful for Shane. It might sound sappy and cliche but he completes me. He challenges me when I need to be challenged and supports me when I am in need. I am thankful to be married to my best friend.
I am thankful for my girls. They enhance my life and give it meaning. They are the reason I am get up in the morning (sometimes even in the early early morning), and they are the ones I pray for at night. I am thankful for the love they give to Shane and I and to each other.
I am thankful for my parents. A child can never understand the unconditonal love a parent has until they have a child of their own. I know the sacrifices my parents have made for my sibling and I and I am grateful to them and for their love.
I am thankful for my siblings. We fight as only brothers and sisters can but there is no doubt the love we have for one another. I am blessed to have them as siblings.
I am thankful for my nieces and nephews. They are all unique and terrific. I am thrilled to be their favorite Aunt.
I am thankful for my extended family on all sides. They have shaped me in ways that I cannot explain. I am truly thankful to have their love and am thrilled that my children will carry on our family.
I am thankful for my friends. Most of them are awesome and the ones who aren't I stopped speaking too!
I am thankful for technology. Who knew the internet would bring me closer to family and friends? My Family, Facebook, Blogger have been the "best friend" a SAHM could as for.
(A side note I am thankful to Steve Jobs for inventing the IPod. Without it and
the nifty way to have the West Wing at my disposal I would have made it through
late night feedings.)
I am thankful to my country. Freedom of speech! Freedom of Religion Obama! Need I say more.
Finally but most important
I am thankful to God for all above things would not be possible. I am thankful for his pressence in my life and for his blessings. I am thankful that I am able to pray and speak with him. I thank him for my life and all that it entails.
There are so many more things I am thankful for but eventually I would run out of post room and some are silly like packets of oatmeal that make school day breakfast easier, or for slippers which rock when you want to wear shoes but also want to have bare feet at time. See there are too many things to add that I better stop now.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I hope you are well and happy and if you or your family is traveling I hope they stay safe.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Re-blogging a smile box
Make a Smilebox scrapbook |
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Two loves
Make a Smilebox greeting |
Parent/Teacher Conference
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Chicken Soup for whose soul?
Friday, November 14, 2008
A great FREE present
All you have to pay is shipping/handling which is 7-8 dollars. You have to do it by the 16th? I think so you might want to hurry. From what I could tell it's pretty neat. So hurry and give it a try!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
A few really odd things about me.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
What is it?
Geocaching is a high-tech treasure hunting game played throughout the world by adventure seekers equipped with GPS devices. The basic idea is to locate hidden containers, called geocaches, outdoors and then share your experiences online. Geocaching is enjoyed by people from all age groups, with a strong sense of community and support for the environment. (Taken directly from
What about it?
This is how we spent our day yesterday afternoon. Sounds like a boring day, it wasn't. Actually it was something we'll soon do again I'm sure. We weren't too lucky in our finding. We only have one cache in which there was a log book and Shane and Ava logged in. It was just down the street from us. Shane has decided that in order to have an easier time we "need" a better GPS device, not just the one on his IPHONE. Great! Have you priced those things? Lets just say that knowing Shane and knowing which one he'll want it's going to be a while. That being said if you have a family who loves a good treasure hunt, or are looking for a family adventure you should give it a try. I think you'll have a fun time.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Nice Saturday
So that was today and I just heard Nova cry. Crap! Hey I just had to share this real quick. I just went to spell check this and it gave me crap for spelling pissy wrong and Spell Check wanted to supplement a word for me instead of pissy. Want to make a guess?
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Flu shot galore!
Happy Halloween and will post pics tomorrow.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Guess who is who?
Monday, October 27, 2008
Tomorrow is a big day
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Experiencing History
Yesterday after a brief visit to the Halloween Carnival, (I hope to post some pics later), my family as well as Dusty's family headed down the street to Johnson field where an enormous Barack Obama rally was being held. We knew there would be a lot of people but we were amazed to learn how many. One estimate was 35,000 people attended the rally. The line wrapped around the University and back up and we quickly realized that if we wanted to hear Obama's speech we would have to hold back at the parking lot across
the way. We waited for 2 1/2 hours to hear his speech, and it was awesome.We got a
glimpse of him but most importantly we got to hear him deliver his heartfelt speech. The crowds, for as packed and anxious as they were, were pleasant and cheerful. You could feel the excitement in the air. Ava and Hope were dancing, cheering, and chanting. Kennedy and Nova enjoyed the excitement for as long as they could before the finally fell asleep. The only regret I have is that I left my camera home since I thought I would be coming home for it and I thought Shane's phone would work but it didn't take good pictures. But I don't think we'll ever forget that we went to his rally! Also I saw pictures of the crowd in Denver today and they are just mind blowing!!! 100,000 at least attended the rally to see and hear Obama. Something changing!!!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
You and daddy are the worst math teachers ever!
_______ = 90 - 30 Ok I have to admit that it threw me for a moment. I wasn't sure why they did it like that for a second grader and then I thought it might be some kind of trick problem. Oonce I looked at it again I figured it out and so set to explain it to Ava. The problem came in when she keep wanting to subtract 30 from 90. After I explained it several times I could not get it through her head so I sent her to the "math expert" and he tried. Frustrated like me he ended up with "I am right and you are not".lol It went downhill at that point until much later when Shane took her aside again and patiently worked with her. Then it was all cake and smiles. Meanwhile my head is throbbing and I just want to sleep. Seriously I wonder how the hell am I going to do this for another 10 years? (I just freaking remembered that it's not just 10 years due to the Nova factor!!!:( ) I think I am going to stick to explaining the birds and bees and politics and just leave the rest to Mr. Math.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
A great day!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Some Family Time
Hope had her 9th birthday on the 6th. Like Ava and Nova she is an October baby. We had a small celebration with her and her parents and had a nice time. Poor Sandy was ill but she stuck it out until we did the cake. We gave hope the book Tale of Desperaux because she read a little bit of Ava's and wanted one for herself. She was very happy to get it. Kennedy was happy to get some cake and Nova was happy to sit on shoulders. Sunday will be Ava's b-day and she will be EIGHT!!! Can't wait to post pics then. (I know the date is off, I keep forgetting to fix it)
Friday, October 3, 2008
Because babies come in threes!
People who have babies born in Oct. are cool and their babies are awesome!!!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Ava is doing awesome with her reading!
I am looking forward to sharing the books I read in my childhood with her:)
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Some little princesses
The date is wrong because these are the first pictures I have taken since I got my camera back from the shop. They had been watching Felicity an American Girl which is what inspired the dresses. Kennedy wouldn't let me do her hair any better but at least she stopped crying about wearing the dress that Ava was wearing!lol
I am looking forward to posting more pictures soon.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Little Liam
My cousin Jenny just had her first baby! His is a perfect looking 10lb 8 oz little man. Yeah I didn't get the size She had a c-section. This make her the last of the girls to have a baby and now we are all Moms. I just wish my grandparents were alive to see him, although I am sure they are in spirit. We are so blessed to have our extended family growing and Jenny is lucky to have a baby born in Sept which is the best month to be born in.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
The first night and second day
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
A let down
Thursday, September 4, 2008
A New Baby!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Family happenings
Friday, August 29, 2008
Something for the over 30's
If you are 30 or older you will think this is hilarious!!!!
When I was a kid, adults used to bore me to tears with their tedious diatribes about how hard things were when they were growing up; what with walking
twenty-five miles to school every morning ... uphill BOTH ways... yadda, yadda, yadda
And I remember promising myself that when I grew up, there was no way in hell I was going to lay a bunch of crap like that on kids about how hard I had it
and how easy they've got it! But now that... I'm over the ripe old age of thirty, I can't help but look around and notice the youth of today.
You've got it so easy! I mean, compared to my childhood, you live in a damn Utopia! And I hate to say it but you kids today you don't know how good you've got it!
I mean, when I was a kid we didn't have The Internet . If we wanted to know something, we had to go to the damn library and look it up ourselves, in the card catalog!! There was no email!! We had to actually write somebody a letter .with a pen! Then you had to walk all the way across the street and
put it in the mailbox and it would take like a week to get there!
There were no MP3's or Napsters! You wanted to steal music, you had to hitchhike to the damn record store and shoplift it yourself! Or you had to wait around all day to tape it off the radio and the DJ'd usually talk over the beginning and @#*% it all up! We didn't have fancy crap like Call Waiting! If you were on the phone and somebody else called they got a busy signal, that's it!
And we didn't have fancy Caller ID Boxes either! When the phone rang, you had no idea who it was! It could be your school, your mom, your boss, your bookie, your drug dealer, a collections agent, you just didn't know!!! You had to pick it up and take your chances, mister!
We didn't have any fancy Sony Playstation video games with high-resolution 3-D graphics! We had the Atari 2600! With games like 'Space Invaders ' and 'asteroids'. Your guy was a little square! You actually had to use your imagination!! And there were no multiple levels or screens, it was just one screen forever! And you could never win. The game just kept getting harder and harder and faster and faster until you died! Just like LIFE!
When you went to the movie theater there was no such thing as stadium seating! All the seats were the same height! If a tall guy or some old broad with a hat sat in front of you and you couldn't see, you were just screwed!
Sure, we had cable television, but back then that was only like 15 channels and there was no on screen menu and no remote control! You had to use a little book called a TV Guide to find out what was on! You were screwed when it came to channel surfing! You had to get off your ass and walk over to the TV to change the channel and there was no Cartoon Network either! You could only get cartoons on Saturday Morning. Do you hear what I'm saying!?! We had to wait ALL WEEK for cartoons, you spoiled little BRATS!
And we didn't have microwaves, if we wanted to heat something up we had to use the stove or go build a frigging fire .. imagine that! If we wanted popcorn, we had to use that stupid Jiffy Pop thing and shake it over the stove forever like an idiot.
That's exactly what I'm talking about! You kids today have got it too easy. You're spoiled. You guys wouldn't have lasted five minutes back in 1980!
The over 30 Crowd
So inspiring!!!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
The day is set!!!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
An amazing time in History
Monday, August 25, 2008
Alot going on
Kennedy also has made headlines for our family. For the past few days she had made the choice to become potty trained! I won't go into specifics but she had done great. We are looking forward to only have on child in diapers! Kennedy also is looking forward to getting her ears pierced which is the bribe I made to to get her trained. Now I just have to get around Shane on that one:(
Nova is on her way to walking. Pulling herself up to a standing position is an easy task for her now. She had crawling down pat although I have to laugh at the way she does, she looks so funny. She is so sweet and in a way I just wish I had this year to do over, I'm going to miss my baby when she is a big girl.
Shane and I both had an off weekend. I caught the stomach bug that Ava's schools had passed around. I thought I would be better today but I was wrong. I look forward to feeling better tomorrow. Shane hasn't gotten sick yet and knock on that he won't. Work has been stressful for him and the rest of the team but hopefully it will be better soon.
I have to share this story of what happened yesterday. I was at the desk which is by our front widow which is opened so that we can get the air in. I heard our upstairs neighbors walking to their home when someone asked them to use the phone. They said they didn't and I knew we where going to get a knock on the door. I had this feeling that we should say no. (I don't know why I had that feeling) but Shane answered the door before I could say anything, plus I was on the way to the bathroom as I was sick again. He lets them in and they use the phone. All I heard was some bad language and then they left. I came out and they were gone and I forgot all about it and went on with the day. Late last night around 11:30 Shane was working on the computer and I was watching FRIENDS when a knock came again. Shane answer it and it's the same couple. They again ask to use the phone but then the boy (this cracked me up) ask Shane to heat up his burrito! So Shane gets the phone for the girl, (he didn't bother to pull out his IPHONE he gave them the cheap land line one that is attached to the cord) and goes to the microwave to heat this guys food. I hear the girl calling "Angel" to come and pick her up since her dad is being an a-hole. Then the boy yell in to tell her that they will walk to central. She hangs up and goes outside and they wait for Shane to bring the burrito. Once it's done he takes it outside where they are waiting. I am trying not to laugh out loud at Shane heating up the food but it's pretty hard and also they are outside. Shane gets back on the compt. and I to the tv when they knock on the door again. Shane looks at me like "What the heck now?" and answer the door. This time she is asking for water. He goes to the kitchen and gets her a glass, not one of our good glasses. He takes it to her and she asked for one she can take with her. I get up and go to the pantry to see if we have anymore big plastic cups but we only have the small Dora ones. He takes her another glass that was a jar and they finally But I open the door today and they left chips, the cup, and a bottle of Gatorade in the walkway. I figure next time we are going to say the phone got disconnected and let another neighbor help them out. Still it was hilarious to see Shane run around for
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Nova almost 10 months old
Aside from that I offered my help with a lot of things but they are a blur to me right I think there might have been 3 or 4 more. Anyway what a great way to get to know other families and kids. Plus I am hoping to be able to eventually be able to sub or "with hope" be a teacher with Bandalier. Oh yeah I also "won" a t-shirt last night. I say "won" because I am pretty sure they just gave them away to everyone who turned in their stamped passport. (going to table to table you get a stamp) Katherine and I each won one and then realized so did everyone Ava wore it for a nightgown last night! I'll be attending the PTA's first official meeting in Sept. and then I'll post how it went. I am hoping it's not like the Harper Valley
Also a shout out to Misty to told me my blog needed to be changed! I got Shane to fix the fonts last night on this template but he is in the process of working on a custom made one for me as a Birthday present. I am insisting that is the only thing I want so I hope he finishes it soon, so far I love it!!!