Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happiness is small things!

We have a new dentist office!  Yeah and I really like it and the staff and the Dr.  The last place I didn't really like but I won't name it just to be nice.  It was ok but I didn't leave there thinking "This is the place!" I hate having that feeling.  Today when we walked into Kids First on Zuni I was a little apprehensive.  It's not in the "nicest" part of town but it's the one I found with the earliest apt. that will take Delta Dental, (many I called only do Medicaid?) and it strictly for kids although they do take adults if they are treating the kids.  So we walk in and the office is big and clean and there are 4 great "Keep the kids occupied while they wait" things; a huge plasma screen tv, a big fish tank that Nova loved, a full size cabin playhouse, and a riding dinosaur!  Now this is a big improvement on the last office which had a few grubby  So I knew the kids were going to be good while I filled out the massive paperwork like always.  Only I didn't!  They have everything computerized.  The receptionist as you read the papers on his desk like the HEPA and the office cancellation you sign them electronically and that is it besides the authorization that you child has no medical conditions.  I loved it.  I hate filling the stuff out.  Also they called ahead and got all the insurance info so I didn't have to deal with all of it.  LOVE IT!!! Why can't more places do that?  Anyway at the last place I could't go back with the girls. PERIOD!  I had to watch through a window but here I had my choice which I let the girls go back on their own since I still had Nova to watch.  Soon they call me back and tell me good and bad new.  Ava, as usual, kicked butt and no cavities!  Yeah.  They did her sealant on the molars and that was that!  Kennedy, on the other hand, has a few an will need me to go back to take care of them.  I knew it was coming and although I am sad for her I also got a better answer this time as to why her teeth are in such a bad state compared to Ava.  Simply Kennedy snacks more during the day leaving her teeth more prone to acid and sugar.  Ava does not and never really has.  So now I know and can be more proactive on getting her teeth healthy.  Good news on Kennedy is that her teeth are not as bad as I thought and once we get those taken care of she will be good to go.  I loved her doc.  He was great with her, patient and made her happy.  It was such a positive experience!  Now we we go in May for Kennedy's filling and cap Nova will have her turn!  I'm hoping it goes just as good but we'll see.  After her apt. yesterday I have my   Oh yeah the dinosaurs was taller than Nova and she did not like it at  I tried my best to get a pic of it but she wanted no part of it:(  Will try again in May!

1 comment:

Traci said...

Finding a good dr is not a small thing! It sounds like a great place, is that too far to take my kids? lol. Ava and Tanner are so much alike, Tanner's teeth are great, never even a cavity. Cameron, otoh, has had some work done. lol. I'm so glad for you for finding a place like that to take care of you. Life is stressful enough! :)