Sunday, April 5, 2009

It's already over?

Boy this weekend went by quick!  Friday we had a visit from Dad who brought Dusty's family and mine a nice turkey each, they got a great deal in Grants!  We had dinner with Dusty and Sandy but Dad had to go home.  I wish we could have had dinner with him but also it was a windy day so I am happy he got home safe:(  That wind was pretty harsh.  Sat we went to this cafe Shane and his co-workers go to called Vick's Daily Cafe.  It's so good!  The potato salad was just perfect!  It was a nice brunch with out with the girls.  It was a cold day so we headed to the mall so I could get my hair cut and to "hang out".  The girls said "Hi" to the Easter Bunny but that was pretty much all we could  Also we saw a bunch of girls getting their "Prom on" but that's another post in waiting.  Once we came home Nova and I got to nap. YAY!!!  I love a Sat. nap.  Shane sat at the laptop and at pinons while the girls tore up the living  I got up and straighted it and them made chicken curry.  It wasn't as hot as Shane's which the girls loved.  Shane's only complaint was that I didn't add enough fish sauce:(  Believe me that was not a mistake!  After baths and girls bedtime Shane and I settled in to watch 2001 Space Odyssey. lol  I am going to try again to watch it but it was hard for me.   Then this morning we played with the girls in our bed and relaxed.  Eventually we made it out to do a couple of errands and then we went to the thrift shop.  Sad to say it was not a "treasure find" day  After that we went to another Flea Market where Shane took an hour thoroughly looking at everything.  I fell in love with and old orange BellSouth telephone.  I had it in the cart driving it around before I decided to put it back.  With our comcast line I read that not all phones will be compatible  and I decided that $15.00 is not worth the hassle.  Still I loved that phone :(  Then we came home where I straightened the house (will it ever end!lol) and Shane BBQ'd some wonderful Kabobs and we ate potato salad.  Then baths were given and laundry folded and now I am  Not an exciting weekend but a nice one just that same.  For me just having a weekend that the house stays relatively clean and we see a family member or two is just a nice pleasant weekend!  Now if we could have gotten Shane to the gym with us it would have been awesome but that's what Monday is for!   

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